Here’s our story:
Where’d you guys meet? Used to go to school together
First Date: red hill rd

How long have you been together? 2 years in March
Married? No
Age difference? 2 years
Who was interested first? Both
Who is taller? Me

Who said I love you first? Me
Most impatient? Me…. That’s not even a question

Most sensitive? Her
Loudest? Me

Most stubborn? HAHA both of us
Falls asleep first? Me

Cooks better? Me!
Better morning person? NEITHER
Better driver? Deffinetly me but she’d say otherwise

Most competitive? Both

Who is the funniest? Deffinetly me
Where do you eat out most as a couple? Mexican

Who is more social? Me I’ll talk to anyone
Who is the neat freak? Her! OCD at its finest
Who plans date nights? Her
Who picks where you go to dinner? Her I don’t care where we eat

Who is the first one to admit when they’re wrong? Me!!!
Who sings better? Her
Spends the most? Haha me

Did you go to the same school? No
Post a picture/picture(s) of you and your Valentine

#ValentinesDayChallenge Emma Long
Colin Stough and Emma Long had been very good friends since their childhood. They went to the same school, shared the same classes and had similar interests and hobbies.
As they grew older, they started dating and for a long time, they were a happy couple. They did everything together, from going on adventures to watching movies and cuddling on the couch.
However, as time went by, they started drifting apart slowly. Colin became more invested in her career, while Emma wanted to focus more on his personal life.
They tried their best to make things work, but eventually, they both realized that they had different priorities and decided to break up.
Despite the breakup, Colin and Emma remained good friends.
They would occasionally text each other, meet up for coffee and catch up on each other's lives.
They were still there for each other through thick and thin and supported each other through every hurdle that came their way.
Years passed, and Emma went on to start his own business, while Colin became a successful Country Singer.
They grew apart but their friendship remained as strong as ever.
One day, while catching up over lunch, Emma confessed to Colin that she was going through some personal issues and needed his help.
Colin didn't hesitate for a moment, and he immediately offered to help in any way he could. m
Over the next few weeks, Colin was there for Emma whenever she needed him.
He listened patiently to her problems, offered her advice and even helped her find a therapist who could help her cope with her issues.
As time passed, Emma slowly began to learn to deal with the issues she was facing.
She realized that she couldn't have done it without Colin's help and was grateful for his unending support.
Colin, on his part, was just happy that he could be there for his friend once again.
In the end, Colin and Emma realized that their friendship had stood the test of time.
They may have broken up long ago, but they remained each other's closest confidants and biggest supporters.